
This is a five posts per week blog intended to 1) provide useful information to attorneys in various fields; 2) assist me in forming new relationships with those in my profession and beyond; and 3) to give a glimpse into my personality.  Posts are based on the day of the week as follows — On Mondays I provide a practice tip for young attorneys, on Tuesdays I review a recent restaurant, book, movie or performance, on Wednesdays I provide a federal employment law update, on Thursdays I blog about poker (my favorite hobby), and on Fridays I provide a Florida civil law update.  I hope you enjoy it and please feel free to provide comments to any post, including ways the blog would be more meaningful or interesting to you.

One Comment on “About”

  1. Paul Knepper Says:

    Good stuff Coach Craig. I will definitely check in for the legal and poker analysis.

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